Happy New Year – Year End Statistics

Dear Friends
For our subscribers, we say thank you.
For all, if you have been reading this blog, we thought to share with you the blog Year End statistics. We (SUKAD) did re-launch this (Redefining Project Management) blog in September of 2012, since that time here is what we have as of New Year Eve.

Redefining Project Management Blog: Global Readership (> 130 Countries)

  1. The above map shows where our readers come from and they do come from more than 130 countries.
  2. Pareto Law is alive: top 10% of the countries contributed 70% of the views
  3. Top 10 countries, in order, are: United States, Lebanon (the base of the author), United Arab Emirates, Canada, Saudi Arabia, India, United Kingdom, Australia, Qatar, and Spain.
  4. In December we were averaging 128 views per day, with a peak of 266 on one day
  5. 69% of the referrals come from LinkedIn
  6. We published 40 posts since September, one of them from a Guest Author
  7. Although SUKAD has offices in Lebanon & UAE, only 32% of the views come from the Arab World (Lebanon and UAE contributing 21% of the 32%)

The top 5 posts in term of views were:

  1. A failed PMO case study
  2. Is the PMBOK Guide good enough to manage projects effectively?
  3. Do you need to memorize the ITTO’s to achieve the PMP?
  4. How often should we perform risk assessment on a project?
  5. Eight possible functions of a PMO: the PMO Continuum

Once again, we say thank you for our subscribers and those who follow this blog. We would love to hear from you. If you have suggestions for improvement, if you like to contribute, if you have topics you want us to address, let us know. You can email us at info@sukad.com.
Soon – within days – we will also be launching our Project Management Knowledge Portal where this blog would be part of … look for it after 10 January 2013.
