How to differentiate between scheduling a stage work and scheduling a project?

This video cover 'the process' of scheduling. Typically developing the schedule for a stage of a project but could be for any other work.

Develop a Schedule for a Stage

In the first video, we covered the process of scheduling, which are the steps to follow for any schedule development. In this video, we discussed the steps to develop a schedule for a stage. The presentation follows concepts from the PMBOK Guide and ISO 21500. We also presented some of the actions we carry out to optimize the schedule.

Keep in mind, this is a not a detailed scheduling video or class. We are highlighting the sequence and the key concepts.

Scheduling across the project life cycle

In the second video, we covered the action of scheduling across the stages; along the project life cycle. Many professionals, especially those following PMI and the PMBOK Guide, think that scheduling happen once on the project. The primary reason for this conception is their belief that the process groups are project phases, which is not correct.

Therefore, the PMBOK Guide/ISO 21500 processes help us develop an a schedule, such as a schedule for a stage of the project. However, these guides, do not guide us on how many estimates should we have across the stages; across the project life cycle. This second video address this situation.

Rolling Wave Planning

The third video is somewhat similar to the second video since it covers scheduling across the project life cycle. However, in video 2 we presented the formal estimates that should be developed in various stages. The stages along the project life cycle. In this third video, we discuss the concept of continuous planning. Planning, which we also know as rolling wave planning.


If you like to learn more about estimating, cost and time, please check the Applied Project Management YouTube Channel.
