How to apply project management in the real world? Recently, we published an article on Can Project Management be Simplified …, and apparently, that article has been popular and well received. Therefore, it is time to build on that success and show that we practice what we preach! This article is the first of a series that we will be publishing over the next few weeks with a focus on PBL, APM, LLL, PM4Y (PM4Youth), and CAMMP™. What do all of these acronyms mean and how are they related? Well, we can start with a hint, they are about applied project management and project-based learning with a focus on project management for youth.
Read on and enjoy the learning! 

The Acronyms

  • PBL: Project-Based Learning,
  • APM: Applied Project Management,
  • LLL: Life-Long Learning,
  • PM4Y: Project Management for Youth, and
  • CAMMP™: The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™

PBL: Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning is not a new concept and definitely not a SUKAD invention. There are actually numerous publications and even professional societies focusing on this concept. We will not get deep into this concept but will stay focused on what we need to fit the purpose of this article series. In a simplistic way, PBL is about learning by doing, learning by applying concepts in real life environment. We have always thought that project management is an applied domain that is best learned by applying it, hence the Applied Project Management theme in the PM Quest.
Just for reference, the quest has six themes; as you can see in the next image.

PM Quest | The Quest to Mastering Project Management | Themes | Project-Based Learning
The Six Themes of PM Quest

APM: Applied Project Management

We are not going to expand on the PM Quest here, you can read more via this link. One of the core themes in the quest is the Applied Project Management theme, top right of above image. In this theme we will focus on practical learning, using the project-based learning approach.

LLL or L3: Life-Long Learning

We will not expand much here either. The idea is clear, which is: learning should never end. I am 56 years old (oops) and I am still learning.

PM4Y: Project Management for Youth

It is time to start getting into the heart of the matter and the core purpose of this series of articles. You will notice in the above image, bottom right we have a theme called Sustainable Development. That theme is not about the environment but it is mostly about “development” and “sustaining”.

PM4Y: Project Management for Youth | Applied Project Management The theme consists of two journeys and between them, there are five tracks. One of the tracks is about youth, hence the need for Project Management for Youth. This track will lead to a few adventures focusing on youth, and in this context, we define youth as people between 15 and 22 (+/-). In other words, high-school and university students (undergraduate education). We can expand this range up to 25 years old.


We have many articles, and even an online course on CAMMP™ already, so no need to expand on this topic here.

Putting the Puzzle Together

The above sections are the pieces of the puzzle, now it is time to see the whole picture. The whole picture may resemble Reality-TV or maybe Reality-PM.
My first son, Sumer, will be 18 this August, will be going to college in the USA. So, I have to do my fatherly duties and get him ready for the next phase of his life. In addition, I do not know when it will be the next time that we will have a good, extended quality time. Further, what would be a better approach to help him prepare for the next phase of life if not learning essential skills that could help him in anything he does? Those skills are project management. I want to help him, and my other son, Akkad, take a LEAP into the future.LEAP | PM4Y | Project Management for Youth | How to Apply Project Management in the Real World

How to apply project management in the real world?

This first article is only an introduction to the general context. With the next article, we will start to document our experience and experiment. We will be presenting a case study in the area of project management for youth. Therefore, if you want to learn how to apply project management in the real world, stay tuned.
In the meantime, you can consider following this Facebook Group.


We will also be posting videos on the SUKAD YouTube Channel so why not join the Channel today?