Are you interested to be in a project management tech start-up?

This is an unusual post for us but we think it is necessary to open up the opportunity to our colleagues, friends, and network members. We wanted to go this route by directly asking those who are interested in SUKAD, project management, and our work.

If Interested to be among the first

If interested, then join this unlisted LinkedIn Group where we can share more information in private. We have already posted a few messages and videos. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) will be required to share more information.

Overview of the investment opportunity

The text in the image provides an explanation of what we are looking for.

We want to take our relationship to the next level and give you the opportunity to invest in something that interests you and relate to your domain.

What we need to this project management startup?

If we can get the amount need for the initial development, then we will not seek any other investment route; except growth capital after the minimal viable product.

We will be happy to share the terms and conditions with those who are serious and willing to invest a small amount.

Your equity share in the startup (there will be a new company) will be a function of the invested amount.

SUKAD Ownership

SUKAD LLC (USA Company) will own 50% of this new company in return to the intellectual property and the right to use ALL of the SUKAD content, case studies, courses, related to #CAMMP.


Please share with those you think might be interested. All interest should be through private messages.

To learn more about us

In case you are new to this blog site and you do not know us, here are a few useful links:

  1. My personal website, so you get to know me. Click here.
  2. My LinkedIn profile,
  3. The SUKAD Main Website,
  4. SUKAD YouTube Channel, and
  5. You can also reach out to us with questions and interest.

Next Steps

If interested, then join this unlisted LinkedIn Group where we can share more information in private.