The Project Management Institute (PMI) has just published Implementing Organizational Project Management: Practice Standard.
In this – just published standard – it emphasize the importance of tailoring a project management methodology. However, the main focus is on implementing an organizational system. We are happy to see this publication especially that we have been advocating the need for an organizational approach to building an effective and sustainable system. For example, in Chapter 5 of our recent book, Redefining the Basics of Project Management, we discussed the challenges facing project management and one of them is the lack of an institutional (organizational) project management approach.
However, what was interesting are the following:

  • This new standard dedicated a chapter for the need to tailor a project management methodology. We do not want to brag – may be a little – SUKAD developed The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™ (CAM2P™) back in 2007; 7 years before this standard. We had published our first book on CAM2P™ in 2010, a series of e-books in 2013 and now  Redefining the Basics of Project Management.
The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™ (CAM2P™)
The SUKAD 7Es™ (Seven Elements of Project Management Maturity)
The SUKAD 7Es™ (Seven Elements of Project Management Maturity™) – a Model for Building the Organizational Project Management System


1. We are ahead of PMI
2. What we have does not contradict PMI 

In the future we will write more about this subject!