How to manage for different project’s classification?

The world of project management is quite wide these days. There are projects in different types of organizations, from a variety of industries, and are of varying size or classification.
Should we manage them all the same way?

Tailoring a project management approach

Project management and leading a project to success requires adjustment of the approach. This is why in 2007 SUKAD developed The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™ (CAM2P™). The core features of this approach and SUKAD Model are:

  1. Customization of the method to a business sector or industry and company, and
  2. Adaptation to a specific organizational function or project classification.

How do we classify projects?

There are numerous ways to classify projects and there are various factors that we can use. For example, these are common factors and they are relative to the organizational context.

  • Cost of the project
  • Duration of the project
  • Complexity
  • Organizational impact
  • Number of resources
  • Importance
  • Other factors.

SUKAD uses a simple model where we classify a project using one of these three categories:

  • Small and simple – size reflects cost and duration and is relative,
  • Medium and moderate – medium size and of moderate complexity, and
  • Large and complex.
  • One can also use Mega Projects.

Key related concepts

Before we continue we need to stop at two important concepts in project management, the project life cycle and project management processes, such as those explained in the PMBOK® Guide. We have written extensively about these topics and refer the reader to our older posts.

Managing the different project classes

Today, we will not go into too much detail. We will just highlight the use of the project life cycle and process groups on different project classifications.

Small and Simple

For small and simple projects – one can use the project life cycle as represented in the following image without the process groups. The project life cycle and process groups have similarities of purpose.

The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™ (CAM2P™)
The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™ (CAM2P™)

An alternate model is to use the SUKAD modified process groups as the following image shows.
The SUKAD Project Management Process Groups as used in CAM2P™
The SUKAD Project Management Process Groups as used in CAM2P™

Medium or Moderate

As projects becomes larger or more complex and are classified as medium or moderate, we use an integration of the two concepts, the project life cycle and process groups repeating at the phase level as the next image presents.

SUKAD CAM2P Phases and Process Groups
The SUKAD Project Life Cycle and Process Groups as used in CAM2P™ at the phase level

Large and Complex

For large and complex, we also use an integration of the two concepts, the project life cycle and repeating process groups but at a lower level, the stage level as the next image presents.

The SUKAD Project Life Cycle nad Process Groups as used in CAM2P™
The SUKAD Project Life Cycle and Process Groups as used in CAM2P™ at the stage level

Your thoughts?