If you read the last two posts, great continue reading here. However, if you have not, we urge you to go back and read this article first, then this article. Reading is important since we provide a great deal of information through these posts and the learning program will also require reading. In this online learning program, we will help you (coach you) learn and lead a personal project from idea to completion. We will use a project-based learning approach, meaning, you should have a project. Finally, you will learn to deliver your initiative by following The SUKAD Way™ for Managing Projects, CAMMP™ Model. CAMMP™ is The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™.

Summary of Terms and Conditions

If you want to join this learning program, for zero payment, then you have to be willing to accept these terms and conditions.
You Must:

  1. Have a project. The project should be something that can be completed in 3 to 6 months and require a small team; 1 to 5.
  2. Be willing to apply the learning from the program on your project, and share the results with us. If you are not willing to do this work, on YOUR project, then you can still continue with the program, but you will have to pay the registration fee; in other words, it will not be free.
  3. Sign an agreement to allow SUKAD to use the project case study and the documents that you produce. We might publish them as case studies via e-books or books, or use them in the PM Quest.

Serious Commitment

It is important to understand, this is not like sharing a video or a blog article. Developing the program requires a great deal of effort and cost us serious money. We will host this program on third-party servers, which also cost us money. We will be mentoring and coaching you and your team, throughout the program. In other words, we are investing in our community. Therefore, we will allow into the program those who are Serious and willing to commit. Therefore, please, if you cannot commit, do not join. If you are ready to accept the challenge, our promise to you is to make the program well worth your time.
For example, you must read the information.
Project-Based Learning, Applied Project Management, Leading a Personal Project

The Projects

It is not important that you have a business project. Maybe you have a community project or a project for a charity or an NGO. Maybe you and a few friends are interested in making a difference in your village, town, neighborhood. We would love to have these types of projects.

What will you get

  1. You will have access to The Overview of the Quest to Mastering Project Management and we urge you to complete it; 1 – 2 hours.
  2. You will have access to The Fundamentals of Mastering Project Management Course, and we recommend that you complete it, or at least review it before you go into the heart of the program. This might be 10 to 16 hours of learning.
  3. We will enroll you in Leading a Personal-Private Project program. This is the main program that contains the equivalent of 10 full-time classroom days. About 70 hours.
  4. The program templates, flowcharts, and mindmaps.
  5. Possible to share a few e-books as well.

PDU & Contact Hours

The program is expected to have about 70 contact hours of learning; excluding the work, you do on your project; unless you have a micro project. We cannot tell you how many hours YOU need to complete the program since that depends on your project.


You will definitely get a certificate of program completion that would be about 70 hours or PDU. At this time, we are considering issuing you a SUKAD Certification; such as:

  1. Certified CAMMP™ Associate (Team Member).
  2. Certified CAMMP™ SSP Project Manager (Level 1)

However, to gain these additional certifications, there will be additional requirements that we will define in due-time. The names of these certifications could vary when we announce them.


it does not matter where you are in the world, you are welcome; with some exceptions.


The program is in English, however, if you prefer to do the work in Arabic, we can accept that. Unfortunately, at this time we cannot accept work in languages other than English or Arabic.

When can you join?

Anytime you want. We have already started to post the content on the Learning Management System that we have; https://pmquest.sukad.com. To access the course, here is a direct link: https://pmquest.sukad.com/catalog/info/id:135.

How to Apply?

  1. Email us at PMCoach@sukad.com.
  2. Attach a CV or link to a LinkedIn profile
  3. We will notify you, if accepted, with the access information.

By the way; we have the right to select the participants, which means we might not accept everyone that applies and we reserve the right not to explain our reasons. I realize this might sound direct and blunt, but we must be honest from the start.