I have been leading a PMP exam prep workshop all week and every time we do this workshop we get questions like what we are listing today. We have touched on these points in the past but as the fifth edition of the PMBOK Guide will be coming to an end and the sixth edition arrives in the next few weeks, it is an opportunity to ask.
We have touched on these points in the past but as the fifth edition of the PMBOK Guide will be coming to an end and the sixth edition arrives in the next few weeks, it is an opportunity to ask these questions again.
The challenge is there anyone out there, in the PMI world? Is there anyone in PMI that can answer these questions for us?

  1. Why there is no process for completing work packages? There is one process to define the work packages and one to confirm they are done. However, in between these two processes, there is no process for completing the work packages.
  2. Why there is no control team process? Is there no need for any monitoring or controlling action related to the team?
  3. Where is the Acquire Project Manager process?
  4. How about Acquire the Project Management Team, or Planning Team?
  5. Why knowledge areas like Scope, Cost, Time, and Risk has many planning processes but the other knowledge areas only have one?
  6. Why audit is in executing for quality, in closing for procurement, and in monitoring and controlling for risk?
  7. Why quality assurance is an executing process? Is not QA about audit, review, checking to see if the team is complying with the company processes and standards? Is not the concept of review – a controlling action?
  8. Why change management plan, configuration management plan, process improvement plan, staffing plan, and other plans, do not have dedicated processes and are buried into other processes?
  9. Why there is no close team process?
  10. Earned value integrates cost, schedule, and scope, so why is it in the cost chapter?
  11. Resources also touch on time management, cost management, and HR management, so why the Estimate Resources is a time management process?
  12. Exam Related Question: Are the planning processes sequential and while planning the PM and PMT must follow a certain sequence or not?
  13. Why there is no validate product process?
  14. Why there are no processes related to success, such as defining success criteria and assessing success?
  15. If the processes are for project or phase then why we have the word project in the name of many processes? For example Develop Project Charter. Are these processes (with the word project in the name) specific to the project or are they for the project or phase?
  16. Lessons learned is typically considered a communication management topic and is a closing (or is it controlling) action so why there is no closing in communication and lessons learned is a sub-topic to close the project?
  17. Some exam books refer to a concept that the PM must spend about 90% of his/her time on communication, should we treat this as fact or fiction?
  18. Do organizations have a position responsible for projects, like a project expeditor or is this a PMP exam invention?
  19. Why is the “Share” risk response strategy only applicable for opportunities and not threats? Cannot we share threats?

Do you have more questions yourself? Please share them in the comments area. Thank you.