Simplified and practical project management

A couple of days ago we discussed the first opportunity for project management growth and sustainability. In the second article we discussed the crossroad that is facing project management and how we can deal with it, primarily through a proposed certification model. Today we discuss another opportunity that links and supports what we presented already.

Is project management simple?
If project management is not simple, and this is our view, can project management be simplified, in comparison to what exists today?
How can project management help organizations where project management can be an agent of change and a catalyst for development – for people, organizations, community, and nations?

Refresher on the first opportunity

The first opportunity addressed the opportunity for further growth and sustainability of the project management practice. We closed that article with the need to consider professionals who can benefit from project management skills but do not need certifications.
Further, project management is not simple. However, we are strong believers that a great deal of project management can be simplified. Why is this necessary?
We have been practicing project management or working on projects for close to 30 years. We have been leading project management services (training and consultancy) for more than ten years. What we have been observing, globally, is that people in category 2 (who are exposed to project and can benefit from project management skills) and category 3 (accidental project managers) only need limited exposure to common and leading project management practices but not at the depth required for professional project managers.
For these professionals, we need to simplify project management.

Closing comments

In prior articles, we have already established that:

  • Project management must be a facilitating process and not a bureaucratic process
  • The project management system must address processes, people, and tools
  • For project management to be effective, it must be institutionalized by blending training with establishing the organizational project management system
  • Project management education and training must be practical and outcome-based, giving the learner a chance to apply the learning on real projects during the training and on the job
  • Differentiation is required between managing small and simple projects, and larger and more complex projects.
  • For small and simple projects, a practitioner may only need foundational learning without mandating or insisting on certification.
  • For larger and more complex projects, effective management requires extensive professional development that incorporates solid certifications.

Can we deliver on this opportunity?
We invite you to read our project management eBook series that we are publishing over the next few weeks. We will announce these eBooks as they become available. You can also check our project management knowledge portal, at Our commitment is that all these eBooks would be available on a complimentary basis. We generate some revenues from advertisement on these eBooks, which is turn we donate 20% of those revenues to a not-for-profit organization which focuses on promoting project management for life projects!
