Continuing with the number series on project management and focusing on CAMMP™, the previous article provided a brief explanation of the three phases per the CAMMP™ Model.

Today, we will expand the explanation to discuss the nine stages of the CAMMP™ Model. Remember (from an earlier post) that CAMMP uses both phases and stages as two separate things where each phase consist of two or more stages.
The next image shows the whole picture.
We explain each phase with its stages in the upcoming videos.

  1. Video 1 is the Discovery Phase and its two stages, Concept Stage and Feasibility Stage.
  2. Video 2 is the Development Phase and its three stages, Requirements Stage, Strategy Stage, and Definition Stage.
  3. Video 3 is the Delivery Phase and its four stages. The stages are Implementation Stage, Operational Readiness Stage, Initial Operations Stage, and Close Stage.

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