Now that the PMBOK Guide is officially out, what are the changes – officially now?
We are likely to write a few posts on this subject.
Today’s topic will focus on the changes in the processes. 
Overall, the number of processes changed from 47 to 49; a net growth of 2 processes. The change was actually adding three processes and deleting one.

Deleted Process

Close Procurement process was deleted; or better to say that some of the project manager actions related to this process merged with Close Project or Phase process. I will have a separate post on this topic and the Closing Process “Group”

Added Processes

Three processes were added. These are:

  1. Manage Project Knowledge, added to integration chapter
  2. Control Resources, in Resources chapter
  3. Implement risk Responses, in the risk chapter

Other Information

  1. One process moved from time (now schedule) management to resource management, which makes sense; this is Estimate Activity Resources
  2. One process changed names from Acquire Project Team to Acquire Resources

These are the main changes in term of processes.

Knowledge Areas Changes

Since changes to the knowledge areas do not deserve a dedicated blog post will list here. Two changes:

  1. Time Management is now Schedule Management – only name change
  2. HR Management is now expanded to Resource Management, covering all resources

That is all!