Project Management Seminars

Would you be interested in attending an evening (or daytime) project management seminar?

This article is to seek your input on selecting topics for a project management seminar series.

We also want to address organizations if they would be interested in partnering with us by hosting one or more of these seminars or even full-day workshop.

The Program

Under The SUKAD Way™, Project Management Innovation program, and, 

The SUKAD Social & Professional Responsibility Initiative,

The SUKAD Way for Managing Projects
The SUKAD Way for Managing Projects

We want to enable the Realization of Innovation, realizing benefits!

SUKAD will be launching an evening seminar series in the UAE. A few years ago, we had offered similar series to the project management community in the UAE and thousands of people benefited from these events. It is time to bring this program back to life and re-activate the interest.

We will record the events for sharing with those who are outside the UAE. We will post those events on the SUKAD social media sites, like the SUKAD Project Management YouTube Channel.

The project management seminars will combine networking opportunities with an interesting, maybe controversial topic and discussion. Each seminar will be a different theme. The seminars would be, primarily, in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, but open to other Emirates.

If you were to attend an evening seminar on project management, what topic would attract you to attend?

The project management seminars’  categories and topics are in this table:
Project Management Seminar Series - Potential TopicsClick here to let us know, which topics would interest you from the topic mentioned above.  Further, if you have other topics in mind, or you would like to contribute as a speaker or in another capacity, please let us know.

You can also join and engage us in this Facebook Group.

Finally, if your organization is willing to partner with us and host an event, we would welcome the opportunity to reach a larger part of our community.

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