How to manage projects | project management methodology | project phases

This is the third article from our upcoming book. It is also part 1 of explaining the SUKAD Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™ (CAM2P™) – focusing on the project phases.

“Okay, guys, here’s the model we’ll follow for managing a project.” Qudss draws on a sheet of paper as she explains the Project Management Methodology that she and her colleagues developed, for which she was the lead developer.”

The SUKAD CAM2P Model: Project Phases

“First, let me explain what I didn’t say earlier. A project life span lasts from idea to closure, from beginning to end; in some cases even beyond. We’ll explain the PLS in steps. The first step is a high-level view.[1] We’ll divide the PLS into three major time periods or project phases, which are: Project Concept Phase, Project Development Phase, and Project Delivery Phase.

 “First, we have the Project Concept. This represents the project’s initial phase and includes documenting the idea, accepting it, validating it, and initial project acceptance and authorization. Various stakeholders are involved at this stage, starting with the idea generator, who has to document the idea; management, who need to decide whether to proceed; and others who will perform the validation studies.

“The next phase is Project Development. The project manager, supported by the project management team, starts to work on the various requirements for the project. They develop the project management plan and in so doing, define the project. This is where the team develops the concept into a workable approach that is acceptable to the main stakeholders and that will result in the proper delivery of the project.

“Finally, there’s Project Delivery. This is when the project manager’s team starts to carry out the work that was defined during project development. The project manager guides the team as they undertake the planned work. The team’s main objective is to stay on track in accordance with the plan. In the model presented here, we show that the Project Delivery phase goes all the way to the end of the project, but other activities take place during this phase. We’ll explain those in due time.”

“Wow, that’s a lot already!”Ahmad says.

“I know. Give me a few more minutes and then we’ll stop for the day.”

Part 2, for next Monday and Part 3 Thursday


[1] In project management, a high-level view is the one with the fewest details, as seen from a distance or from a mountaintop. We see the big picture without being distracted by the minutiae.