We have posted the following message on my LinkedIn account and is already generating quite a bit of discussion.
We have posted the following message on my LinkedIn account and is already generating quite a bit of discussion.
I am writing this article based on observations and monitoring of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic and how the global response or lack of. I have also monitored, from a distance, how the response varies from one country to another. For example, I see my home country, Lebanon, a country weakened by decades of corruption...
We often hear people talking about projects being unique, especially that guides like the PMBOK Guide include the term “Unique” in the definition of projects. All is well on this point. However, the challenge is that many, who do not understand this definition well, use the definition as an anti-standardization argument. Read on
I am writing this article with the feeling that I am either courageous or stupid since what I will write about might be touching many or stepping on people soft toes. I must start by saying, I am writing this article based on observations from working in this region (West Asia, GCC) for close to...
We have posted the following message on my LinkedIn account and is already generating quite a bit of discussion.