How would you like to get a PgMP Degree?

This is an old article that was published about training providers and some of the “_____” they share …
You can fill the blank with “lies”, “partial truth”, “misleading information”, etc.
Below is a sample misinformation from a message that came to me via LinkedIn

Date: 4/02/2012
Subject: PgMP
Good day
Allow us to take this opportunity to be introduced to your kind self, My name is ”__________”, working as a education/training consultant in ‘___________’, a short brief of our company is enclosed to this letter where is stated and depicted our activities that would be valuable .
We are looking forward for your favorable consideration on training matters or any further new courses .Also would we arrange a meeting with your kind self in order to discuss the required training,
***NOW PgMP the highest degree in project management (much higher than PMP ) ,NOW only and limited to … in the whole golf area , interested participant contact me directly on …***
Kind regards”
Did you notice the last paragraph?
Is the PgMP certification now a “degree”?
When did this happen?
Also is it the “highest degree in project management”?
The sad status of project management training … maybe I should go sell potatoes instead – more honorable.

Comments from Readers

The following are some of the comments we got from readers at that time

Comment 1

Whatever happened to the BBA, BS, MS and PhDs in PM. I’m really amazed at the number of charlatans in our business.
Posted @ Monday, April 02, 2012 1:51 PM by Bob Wysocki

Comment 2

I am really surprised too! I agree with Bob and I wonder, why the number of fake people to this industry is increasing? Is it something with the qualifications. Should the institutes change their selection criteria? I look at the number of fresh graduates students getting PMP or MBA everyday without even work experience. Are they sure this is what they want? or it is just a certificate to add to the list!
In my opinion, I strongly believe that academic institutes should establish better selection criteria to ensure the quality of professionals working in PM field.
Posted @ Tuesday, April 03, 2012 1:41 AM by Doaa Eldirdiri

Comment 3

Through personal observation I place part of the blame for the proliferation of “fake people” to the PM training industry on the buyers of training. They have not done their homework and have made it easy for “fake people” to enter the industry. For example, I can name PM degree programs that have only one required course in PM! Why would anyone ever sign up for such trash? I think DOaa provides the answer.
Posted @ Tuesday, April 03, 2012 6:44 AM by Bob Wysocki

Comment 4

I have just been approved by PMI to sit for the PgMP exam so im looking for a short course PMI accredited training provider. The criteria however to be able to even proceed to the exam requires over 10 years P&PM experience so hopefully this will weed out the people and the quality of the PgMP credential wont be diluted as the PMO has been!. I’m continually disappointed by the amount of time i hear people say ‘after i complete the PMP training i will be a project manager’ it makes me sad!
Posted @ Monday, May 14, 2012 7:04 AM by Danny Klima
Dear Mr. Klima
Thank you for your comments. What you explain is the unfortunate reality. Even with the stringent rules of PgMP, i am encountering people who are becoming PgMP and from what i know about them they do not have “true” program management experience.
Posted @ Monday, May 14, 2012 8:08 AM by mounir ajam