Interesting Statistics about PMI in West Asia

I have recently been looking at some data on PMI membership and certifications in the region (West Asia). These statistics are quite interesting and raise so many questions. I will just show some numbers and without comments.
The data below is recent – a couple of months.
Below the image, I will post some comments and views!
PMI Statistics in West Asia

General Comments

The following comments are based on the above sample. However, based on other information, we believe these comments are applicable globally, maybe with some exceptions.

  1. Syria and Iraq do not have official chapters so the chapter membership statistics is not a true indicator and not sure why they even show – unless they show as part of a potential chapters.
  2. In most countries above, it is clear that there are more certificates holders than then there are members. Assuming that not all members are certificate holders that is an indicator that a large number  of certificate’s holders do not justify paying PMI membership for the value they receive.  Another reason, of course the next point is an opinion, is that many do not find value in membership and they only join to get the discount on the certification fees. Bottom line: a large number of those who join PMI and pursue one of its certifications do not see value in membership.
  3. The other interesting statistics is that chapters’ membership is mostly less than half of PMI membership. We must say that except Syria and Iraq all of these countries have chapters or branch chapters. Again, the conclusion here is that more than half of PMI members do not see value in joining their local chapters.

Of course the readers can make up their opinion here – and I will offer mine.
When such large percentages do not see value in a PMI membership — and even more do not see value in their local chapters, (a long term – past volunteer and volunteers leader with PMI) — this information lead me to conclude that PMI is not delivering true value addition to a large percent of its stakeholders. This is the sad reality – knowing that PMI annual revenues is in the millions of US dollars and its assets exceed 200 $ million US.