Is the CAMMP Model a modified version of the PMBOK Guide or ISO 21500? We all know that the PMBOK Guide and ISO 21500, at least the versions that are currently active, focus on processes, process groups, and functions. Functions is the SUKAD Way term. It is equivalent to Knowledge Areas per the PMBOK Guide and Subject Areas per ISO 21500. The process groups of both guides are the process groups to manage a phase of the project. Once again, the process groups are NOT for the whole project; unless we have tiny projects. This is a common misunderstanding of these guides. The misunderstanding is where some practitioners think that the process groups are project phases. However, they are not, they repeat in every phase or stage.

The PMBOK Guide & ISO 21500

The PMBOK Guide has five process groups, 10 knowledge areas, and 49 processes that link the process groups to the knowledge areas. Similarly, ISO 21500 also has five process groups, ten subject areas, but only 39 processes.

Further, both guides are generic, industry-agnostic. Also, both guides do not offer a project life cycle. PLCs are highly dependent on the domain (industry and project type). We think it is also worth stating that neither guide is about a waterfall, agile, traditional, predictive, or some of the other common terms we hear today. Finally, these guides represent a Framework, more on this later in this post.

Process Groups

Once again, the PMBOK Guide and ISO 21500 core focus are on five process groups, which we show in the image below. The image uses the names from ISO 21500. Further, both guides state that these process groups and their processes repeat in every phase or stage.

Framework versus Methodology

Before we discuss the CAMMP Model, which is a methodological approach, it would be useful to offer some definitions. In this case, it would be best to refer to an old post on the differences between framework, method, and methodology. However, we need to summarize our view of what is a method or methodology. Via this link, you can access a video on the subject. A project management method is typically based on a project life cycle.

The CAMMP Model

CAMMP™ is short for the Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™. It is a three-dimensional model. The three dimensions are listed below.

The CAMMP Three-Dimensional Model for Managing Projects

The First Dimension

The first dimension is a project life cycle model. The PLC would be tailored to a specific industry and project type. A typical PLC would include phases/stages and stage gates. Once again, neither the PMBOK Guide nor ISO 21500 offers a standard project life cycle, CAMMP does. We use a PLC to manage a project, concept to closure, stage by stage.

The Second Dimension

Since we must manage a project across the PLC, stage by stage, we need to manage the stages. To manage each stage, CAMMP requires the use of a set of processes. The CAMMP processes are adopted from the guides. See the images below.

Image is from Project Management beyond Waterfall and Agile
The table is also from Project Management beyond Waterfall and Agile

The Third Dimension

The third dimension is about the advanced topics that would help elevate project performance. These include best practices, competence, sustainability, and project success. All of these topics do not get any emphasis on the PMBOK Guide or ISO 21500.

The Process Groups and Project Life Cycle

As we stated earlier, the project life cycle is to manage the project concept to closure, stage by stage. To manage each stage, we use the stage management processes. In other words, we integrate the first and second dimensions of CAMMP. The following image presents this integration.

The image is also from Project Management beyond Waterfall and Agile

CAMMP versus the PMBOK Guide

Let us start on the light side. CAMMP is a three-dimensional model and assuming these dimensions are equally waited, then each will have 1/3rd weighting. Therefore, this means the second dimension, which builds on the guides, then the PMBOK Guide/ISO 21500 represents one-third of CAMMP. Noting that we have modified this dimension, then the PMBOK Guide’s influence on CAMMP is less than 30%. If we consider Project Management beyond Waterfall and Agile book, which covers CAMMP version 3; we have 4 out of 45 chapters related; so 10%?

Shifting to the serious side. The PMBOK Guide and ISO 21500 are leading guides from project management and provide good content. Therefore, ignoring them would be irresponsible. However, IPMA, GPM, AACE, and others also offer good content and ignoring them would be equally irresponsible.

Closing Comments

We have always stated in all our writings, that we are not here to destroy and replace what exists. We want to stand on the top of giants, not kill the giants. Therefore, CAMMP builds on what these professional associations had provided. We take the knowledge from them, modify as we see fit, and add content based on our decades of practice working projects of all sizes and complexities around the globe. Whether PMBOK Guide influence is 5% or 30% or even more, is not relevant since we are not restricting CAMMP to this guide or any other reference, as we have already stated.

It is unfortunate, that some practitioners judge something without reading or understanding. Or, in their minds, unless it fits the mental model they have, it must be bad or wrong. Finally, we are not saying CAMMP is the only answer. If you dig into CAMMP, you will notice it is only the name we are using for common sense, proven practice. The methodological approach used by the SUKAD Way, namely the CAMMP Model, is an approach that is used by numerous global organizations, with good project management maturity. These organizations are using an approach similar to or equivalent to CAMMP.

Uruk PPM Platform

In the last paragraph, we stated: ” These organizations are using an approach similar to or equivalent to CAMMP.” This is exactly why we decided to invest in building the Uruk PPM Platform, as a cloud-based solution, with CAMMP as one of the five elements of the Uruk PPM Platform, and the other elements of the SUKAD Way are also used in the platform.

If you are interested in supporting the development of the Uruk PPM Platform, Click Here and Here.