Managing a project across the project life span (cycle)

We would like to share with you another eBook that we are publishing. This is our fourth eBook in total, and the third in a 4-ebooks series.

Past eBooks

The Series

This eBook is the third part of a four-part Series on project management.
The primary purpose of the Series is to introduce the readers to The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™ (CAM2P™), which we have developed and have been using internally since 2008.
These eBooks build on each other, although they are semi-independent.

The SUKAD Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects (CAM2P)

Description of this new eBook

One of the major challenges facing project management today is the confusion between two critical concepts. These are: the process groups’ concept made famous by A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) and the well-established principle of project life span (cycle). Many practitioners and organizations are confusing the two and assume that the process groups are phases on the project life span. The hypothesis is that on moderate and large projects, this confusion is causing challenges for projects, if not failure.
In the earlier two eBooks in this series, we discussed the challenges and opportunities for the practice of project management, we discussed the rationale behind a new approach, and we presented a project management methodology that builds on project life cycle and global standards. In this third eBook, we blend the two concepts and address multiple essential topics that are not limited to a project stage/phase. We present how these essential topics must be handled ‘across the project life span’. These essential topics include project approvals, project control, risk management, project success, managing stakeholders, and roles and responsibilities. In this eBook, we also discuss the methodology features of customization and adaptation for various domain and project classifications.

The book outline is:

Section 1: Life Cycle Perspectives

  • Chapter 1: Life Cycles 360o

Section 2: Across the Project Life Span

  • Chapter 2: Project Approvals
  • Chapter 3: Project Estimates
  • Chapter 4: Project Control: Moving Baselines
  • Chapter 5: Project Risk Management
  • Chapter 6: Project Stakeholders
  • Chapter 7: Project Success

Section 3: Model Principal Features

  • Chapter 8: Applying the Model
  • Chapter 9: Customizing the Model
  • Chapter 10: Adapting the Model
  • Chapter 11: Potential Pitfalls

Click here to download Project Management III: Managing a project across the project life span

SUKAD related services

SUKAD offers learning program and organizational (consultancy) solutions related to the methodological approach that we present in these eBooks. Please let us know if you are interested and our business consultants can discuss the various options.

Other References

In addition to the published work, we will continue to add content to the Project Management Knowledge Portal by SUKAD, at this time available for registered users. Some of the content is related to the methodology including templates, presentations, case studies …