Special Message: The Quest to Mastering Project Management

This post is an announcement for a new program that SUKAD is launching globally. It is a project management-online-applied learning program. The program is The Quest to Mastering Project Management. Our aim is to use the PM Quest as the platform to help you learn how to master project management. Who are you? Any professional, manager, project manager, PMO manager or director, and even youth.

Why the Quest to Mastering Project Management?

In order not to repeat, we advise you to refer to this recent article.

Mastering Project Management – a Program

After more than one year of thinking about this, we decided to have an online program as one of our four major 2018 goals. Therefore, in January, we started to explore the idea further. Then in February, we moved from thinking to doing. We started to formally work on the program, as a formal program (in the project management context. In the project management context, a program consists of various projects related to a common business objective. We will be publishing a book or e-books about this program and some of its projects.
Consequently, we launched the online program. The program title is The Quest to Mastering Project Management. The initial projects in the program include a Program Setup Project and three Learning Projects. Keep in mind, each online course is treated as a project in the program. We even created a logo for the program, as you can see below.PM Quest Logo | The Quest to Mastering Project Management

What does the PM Quest offer so far?

From February to today (6 May 2018), the following are what we have accomplished so far:

The Overview

The Overview of Mastering Project ManagementWe released the Overview, which explains the structure and the vision for the PM Quest. You can access this Overview, for free, here http://learning.sukad.com/quest-to-mastering-project-management-overview.
Technically, the Overview is not a course, it is a short orientation.
Further, the following image shows the hierarchy of the PM Quest, per the current vision.
PM Quest | Mastering Project Management

The Fundamentals

There are many confusions in the project management world where practitioners often have a different understanding of many of the key terms. Therefore, it is necessary to have a common ground where we help practitioners learn the terminology. Of course, our definitions are not a global standard but they will be the standard for the PM Quest courses.
Project Management Fundamentals | PM Quest
The Fundamentals to Mastering Project Management also provide insight on the major confusions and gaps in practice and suggest solutions. You can access The Fundamentals free via this link http://learning.sukad.com/quest-to-mastering-project-management-fundamentals Hurry, the free offer is expiring on 10 May 2018.
After May 10, The Overview and The Fundamentals will remain free on the PM Quest Site with the paid enrollment of any other course.

Adaptive Methods

The PM Quest consists of six themes and Theme 1 focuses on Applied Project Management. Since our goal is to have the quest as a pioneering and unique program, it would be guided by the PM Coach, yours truly Mounir A. Ajam. Most of the courses (or what we like to call as adventures) will be interactive where YOU, the learner, will be able to engage with the PM Quest Community and the PM Coach.
With the above message as the spirit and the core value for the PM Quest, the next adventure, which we released a couple of days ago is Learning an Adaptive Methodology for Managing Projects. You can access this adventure via https://pmquest.sukad.com. During May 2018, learners can buy this course for 75% discount, or US$ 56. Share this post and tag us by 10 May 2018 and you could win a free enrollment – two tickets available.

What is next?

We will offer a different perspective on the PMBOK Guide, with an emphasis on applying the guide on real-world projects; instead of a focus on ITTOPMP certification, or a copy-paste job.

Speaking of PM Certifications

We believe there is an overemphasis on project management certifications. We realize the PMP Craze. However, we also believe that certifications and the PMP are not the only way to add value to our careers, organizations, and nations. Therefore, when we established the vision for the Quest to Mastering Project Management, we are not ignoring certifications but we did not make a core focus. Even more, it is a fraction of the program as you can see in the next image. Consequently, the certification courses are the red oval in the middle left of this image.
PM Certifications in the PM Quest

Closing Comments

If you are in project management and wants to advance your career, what are you waiting for? The PM Quest is ready for those courageous souls who welcome the challenge of learning applied project management. It is for those who are open to breaking away from a common path. The quest is for those who realize popularity is not necessarily an indication of great learning.
Then, are you one of those courageous souls? Are you interested in great project management learning, anywhere, anytime, and on any device? If you are, remember, your project management coach is a click away.
PM Quest | The Quest to Mastering Project Management | Themes
