In the last article, we discussed an important topic that is close to my heart. The topic is: What is the best way of teaching youth project management skills?
The Last Article
In that article, we discussed the following key points:
- The differences, or preferences, for teaching youth project management through applied learning versus training for certification like CAPM.
- The PMI requirements for CAPM qualifications.
Project Management for Youth
In this brief article, we will present a program that we indirectly launched about three years ago but due to a variety of factors it was put on hold. A few weeks ago we started to plan for the re-launch of the program on a local scale, in parts of North Lebanon. The location is only a starting location since our Lebanese office is based in Amioun, Al-Koura, North Lebanon.
The program consists of two similar and related platforms, summer camps and during the school year. Since we are already in summer, our program will focus on launching the first session (first group) with the start of the school year in September for term 1. Depend on interest, we can do a session every term, which means three times during the school year. Summer will be ideal for summer camp.
How will the program work?
The Term Workshops or Summer Camp will be similar structure, except in the summer it will be condensed and in a camp environment. The Term Workshops will be once per week, 2-hour sessions for the term; resulting in about 20 to 30 hours workshops. The summer camps could also includes university students.
During these workshops, the students, and some teachers, will learn how to apply basic project management concepts and they do so by working on real projects from the school or community. We will use a SUKAD internally developed approach but also utilizing global practices from partners.
The Projects
As this banner shows, the project could be anything related to the community or the school.
Call for Action and Interest
Through this post, which we are circulating through social media, we are looking for schools that would be interested in these services. Ideally, we would love to group two or three schools in close vicinity to each other. At this time, we can only handle one group per term. Therefore, if we can group two schools in each group, we can reach up to six schools per year.
Also if there are teachers that are interested, we can do train the trainers sessions so can coach and mentor their students and even conduct their own workshops.
SUKAD will donate our time and services – we look for schools to handle the logistics. With time, we will look for sponsors to sustain this initiative, where it could be split out as an independent community organization.
We welcome your feedback and comments.
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