If you are a regular or occasional reader of these blog posts, we can assume that you like what you see here and come back for more. If you are a new reader that just stumbled upon our site, we hope to have you visit again and again.
In today’s post, we are not sharing with you a new article but want to introduce you to two sub-sites on our group website.
The SUKAD Group website, today actually consists of six sub-sites. We have the group site (, which include various general information. We also have three sub-sites, each for one our services divisions (learning and development, consultancy and organizational solutions, and our newest baby technology solutions). The other two sub-sites (sub-domains) is what we will introduce below.
The SUKAD Way™ Sub-Site
The SUKAD Way™ for Managing Projects is the brand that we have embraced as our trademark for the SUKAD research and development strategic program. Through the SUKAD Way™ for Managing Projects, we provide the fruits of our work and achievements to supplement global standards and leading practices. The emphasis of SUKAD research and development is to create and transfer knowledge to enhance the learning and application of project management and to fill some of the gaps in the practice of organizational project management.
At this time we have three significant products:
- The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™ (CAM2P™)
- Organizational project management and the Seven Elements of Project Management Maturity™ (The 7Es™)
- Measuring project success through The Four Dimensions of Project Success (The 4Ds)
It is worth noting that through this sub-site and its section, we provide good content for the visitor to read, use, and even downloads to share. However, we expect and trust the reader to respect our copyrights.
The Project Management Knowledge Portal
The project management knowledge portal is a knowledge sharing site, to enhance the community learning. We realize that we are not a Microsoft or Google, and we are not a think tank, but we do have some content that we think it is valuable to the community – project management professional community. What we have we want to share and make available to the public, our registered users, and our clients. We cannot openly share everything, however, we will do our best to make sure that what we share on the knowledge portal will be highly valuable to YOU.
Although this portal is by a commercial entity, we seek input from our friends, clients, and professional community to share valuable information, case studies, presentations or anything else of value. Anything you share, we will post with full credit to the contributor.
The portal will include articles, case studies, blog, videos, best practices, new practices, and other things but all as they relate to leadership and management, more specifically project management.
PM Knowledge Portal Sections
The SUKAD Project Management Knowledge Portal encompasses various sections. At this time we have about 45 “items” and we continue to add content on a regular basis. The sections are:
- General sections, such as Overview, Copyrights, Access information, and 2SPI Program
- Documents tab with: Articles, White Papers, Templates, How to Guides, and General Information
- Case Studies: short case studies and sample projects
- Presentations on various project management topics and from our events
- Multimedia: at this time we have only images and charts. We also have videos on our YouTube channel but later we plan to enhance this section and add a video series
- Publications: books and eBooks … the print books are for purchase but all eBooks are available for free download
- Project management blogs: English (where this article is posted) and Arabic
All of the content that we share, we share in PDF or Images for you to download and use — even share per Creative Commons Guidelines. This content is free – you only need to register on the website.
If you like to get what we post in editable format (original software) such as in MS Word, PowerPoint, MS Project, MindManager … this is possible with a reasonable annual subscription. SUKAD clients are granted 1 year access with our compliment.
Invitation to Share
We welcome you to read, download, share (per Creative Common Guidelines), and engage with us.
Through this post, we are reaching out to you to share with you our modest effort that we have started to allow us to share and exchange knowledge, expertise and learn together. Our main focus is on all aspects of management and leadership with a special emphasis on project management.
Although SUKAD is a for-profit business, and some of what we post on the knowledge portal is related to our products and services, we think you would agree that there is valuable content. In order for us to put more and more content, it is an initiative that requires significant effort and time. Therefore, we have opened the possibility of sponsorship. If you are an organization that want to encourage such initiatives and support it, we request that you consider sponsoring the portal. The sponsorship form on the portal will get you in touch with our team to start the process.