The following are a few images, posters maybe is a better word, to clarify a few myths about the PMP Certification (the Project Management Professional certification) by PMI (the Project Management Institute).
Let me start with one that is positive:
Well, we think the message here is clear. The PMP is good, the PMP is valuable but we should not make it as holders of this certificates can deliver world peace, end hungers, while delivering failed projects.
Although to become a PMP, one has to sign and agree to a code of ethical conduct. Yet, many PMP and PMP training providers (some approved by PMI and some are not) do not have a problem telling you that the PMP is recognized by universities; or it is equivalent to a university degree; even worst the PMP is equivalent to a Master Degree in Project Management.
Here; even PMI violates its own code of ethical conduct; or its marketing people have no problem bending the truth and playing dumb. How can a multiple choice knowledge based exam test competence? I am not a competence expert but do these people know what is competence? Do they know how one can demonstrate competence? Do they even know how to spell competence?
Once again, even PMI directly or indirectly try to claim that the PMP is a project manager certification and it is an indicator of “expert” level competence. Well, the certificate is about project management and not project manager. It certify that one has the foundation KNOWLEDGE but it does not certify that the person is a project manager. Actually, we are sure that a large percent of PMP (if not most) have never managed a project in their lives. We can say more but …
Notice that the certificate name is Project Management Professional —- NOT —- Professional Project Manager. The requirements for the PMP does not require the applicant to be a project manager or have experience in managing projects; it only require that the person have led project tasks.
To build on the previous two posters
- PMP DOES NOT demonstrate competence
- PMP IS NOT a project manager certification
- PMP IS NOT an expert level certificate
What is even worst? To pass the PMP (the passing score is secret – why no one knows) one needs to score about 60% (+/-) on 175 multiple choice exam questions. In most universities and colleges (at least in USA), a 60% could be failing and 70% is the minimum acceptable level. In others 60 is a grade of D. 70% is a grade of C …. not even B or A. To do a master degree most respectable universities demand a B average (or 3.0) with the GRE or GMAT. Some may accept 2.5 GPA (out of 4) which is about C+ or B-. Yet, a D or C- is all one need to pass the PMP.
The bottom line; DO NOT trust someone just because they have the PMP. Evaluate their records, achievement, failures and successes … since almost anyone can be a PMP but not many can be effective project managers.