A couple of days ago, I posted a message on Facebook and later via this blog site on conflicting emotions related to project management.
On Facebook, a friend and ex-intern wrote the following response to my post: 
No need to be passionate about project management, it is only a subject of knowledge. What one could be passionate about are ‘Values’ one lives with to contribute to one and all. In this process you would use different concepts/tools like project management, risk management, quality management, etc which just keep evolving as we move forward with time.”
Mounir-Ajam-SUKAD-Co-FounderMy response was:
“Project management for people like me is not just a subject of knowledge. It is a way of thinking. It is also related to values, at least in my world, where one can use project management skills for things like sustainable development; community development; non-profit; enhancing the skills of children; etc.”
It is also related to values, at least in my world, where one can use project management skills for things like sustainable development; community development; non-profit; enhancing the skills of children; etc.”
Once again, for me, project management is one of my two professionals passions. The second one is community (community service, community development, volunteering, youth leadership). Throughout my career, I have tried to balance those needs and use them for the betterment of the profession, community, nation, and of course personal growth.
We even go beyond the personal; at SUKAD, the company I co-founded and lead, our vision statement is “Project Management for All Aspects of Life“.
Values – are concepts that must be applied and dependent upon in life. Project management offer me the skills that help me apply what I believe in – my cause(s) because I truly believe that life with a cause is a life not worth living.
What is your passion?
Have you discovered it yet or still searching?
Is (professional) passion important for you?

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