In this post, we will keep it brief and focus on asking a few questions.


We have been asked to help with the launch of a not-for-profit organization – a non-governmental organization. This NGO activities will be about cultural, social, and community initiatives to help increase the awareness about the concept of a “citizen”, a “national”; meaning the obligation of people toward their country. The key here is this is an organization by the people for the people in all aspects of life.
Some example of the projects this organization will work on would be cultural events and initiatives like the Project Management for Youth that we published about recently.
PM for Youth Banner
We are working from the ground up, setting up the organizational structures, departments, roles and responsibilities, etc.

The Challenge

The challenge is that in organizations like this, the leaders are usually professionals from across society, who are not exposed to project management and strategic planning and their values. Therefore, we want to seek your opinion:

  1. Do you think project management is of value in such an organization?
  2. How to you use project management in such an organization?
  3. Would you insist that project management would be required for all of the organizational initiatives and projects?
  4. What is the role of strategic planning or strategy formulation?
  5. How do we ensure implementation of the organizational strategy?
  6. Should such an organization have a permanent project management office?

We can think of more questions but we leave it here.

Your Help

What we are looking for is the following:

  1. Do you have more questions you can add to the above?
  2. Do you have answers for what we listed?
  3. What else would you suggest that would help us launch this organization effectively and ensure long term success?

Thank you

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