How to build a sustainable organizational project management system? Why is it important to build such a system? We have a PMO, is not this enough?
Join us for a workshop in Singapore on how to build and sustain the Organizational Project Management System, from policies to methods, processes, procedures …
Well, many organizations build a PMO – Project Management Office – to improve their projects’ performance but what they do not realize is often this is not enough. If they build the PMO to be a reporting PMO or supporting – often these PMO do not take a leadership role in establishing the essential systems, methods, and processes to manage projects and programs effectively.
At SUKAD we have developed an approach to build such a system – along with how to sustain it successfully.  The SUKAD Way™ for building a sustainable OPM System is per the Seven Elements of Project Management Maturity™ (7Es™), which is the platform for the project, or program.

The SUKAD Seven Elements of Project Maturity - Modified
The SUKAD Seven Elements of Project Maturity – Modified

SUKAD normal proposal is to advise a client to build the full system, all seven elements, in a staged – extended approach. However, we realize that some clients might not want to implement the full system and may only chose the core – fundamental elements. The fundamental elements are the four elements in the core with Method and Processes and Functions as the most critical.
One possible approach is to roll out an OPM System with the fundamental elements in an initial project, and the other (differentiating) elements, as future projects. The differentiating elements are Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning in addition to Leadership and Competence Framework.
In either case, SUKAD will have to touch on the Strategic and Organizational Aspects in the initial project and subsequent projects; and this will be addressed first.
We typically do not use this blog for advertising purposes. Yet, we rarely use it to promote something important. In this case, we will be delivering a 3-day workshop to share our approach on how to build the organizational project management system, in Singapore, from 28 to 30 May 2014. We would love to have you – mention this post for 15% discount!
3 Amazing Project Management Workshops between Singapore and Malaysia