The Background

A network member, Michal Zuchowski, tagged #CAMMP on a LinkedIn discussion comparing #PMBOK Guide with #PRINCE2 and he suggested CAMMP is an alternative to consider. We appreciate the mention, Michal.

The tag led to questions about CAMMP and what problems is CAMMP trying to solve. Keep in mind that CAMMP is a core component of the Uruk PPM Platform that SUKAD is developing.

What problems is CAMMP trying to solve?

Here was the short answer

The CAMMP Model is project management and product delivery methodological approach; following a project from concept to closure, using a stage-gate process using a project life cycle as the foundation.

The CAMMP™ Standard Project Life Cycle, What problems is CAMMP trying to solve?

Expanding on the above,

We view projects as change initiatives and not limited to “execution”, which means it integrates the business side with the delivery side; eliminating the gap between Business & Delivery.

The above led to the question that triggered this post, what problems is CAMMP trying to solve? Or “So the main problem you’re solving is the gap between Business and Delivery?”

More on “What problems is CAMMP trying to solve?”

Solving the gap between Business and Delivery is one of the challenges that we are solving.

The second challenge we are approaching is covering is the confusion between process groups and project phases.

The third issue is the need to treat projects as change initiatives that should lead to benefits.

CAMMP main characteristics, Critical Success Factors

The main characteristic of CAMMP is cross-industry, domain, size, and complexity, which we can accomplish through tailored methods. Keep in mind the full name is Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects.

The image here include the core principles and critical success factors for a project management methodology.

CAMMP Principles, Critical Success Factors

We will write about these critical success factors in future posts.


The LinkedIn post where we were tagged and end up triggering this post was about comparing PMBOK Guide to PRINCE2 and the tag added CAMMP to the discussion, which is exciting considering that CAMMP is relatively the new kid on the block, working to becoming a giant. So how do we compare? Let us share an image to summarize the comparison.

Comparing CAMMP to PRINCE2 and PMBOK Guide

CAMMP, from a new kid on the block to a giant

The title of this part is quite ambitious but we believe in the future of CAMMP and the SUKAD way. We understood the problems facing project management years ago, this is why we started the SUKAD Way program. It is also important that we realized the project management current state of practice, which is not great. We envisioned the solution despite the ongoing hypes on certifications, PMO, agile, and …

We continue to enhance the SUKAD Way and CAMMP. A CRC Press Book, Project Management beyond Waterfall and Agile documents CAMMP Version 3. Now, it is time for the Uruk PPM Platform.

The Uruk PPM Platform

Earlier this year (June 2019), we register SUKAD Corp in the United States with an additional division to our past operation. The new division is SUKAD Technology Solutions, which is mandated to develop the Uruk PPM Platform, a cloud-based PPM Solution that has CAMMP and other SUKAD Way solutions at its core.

The Uruk PPM Platform

The Uruk PPM Platform will be one of the first methodology-enable project management solutions in the market.

We are not building software, we are building the mechanism to trigger the organizational transformation into project management excellence beyond the hype.

We aim to change the culture and embed an agility mindset to product development and project management. That is the giant to come!