This is one of a series of inter-related articles on learning and training; if interested in this subject, please check other blog posts.
This is one of a series of inter-related articles on learning and training; if interested in this subject, please check other blog posts.
This article is by a Guest Author, Mr. Theofanis Giotis, a friend, partner, and project management leader! During all Project Management related conversations, workshops and trainings, a single question is always asked: “How do we organize the team members? What roles do we assign to them?”
All of our blogs has been text blogs so far and we will experiment with video blogs in the future. In the mean time we want to share these two short videos with you all. You can access the videos through our Project Management Knowledge Portal via or directly from the host site per...
This is a follow-up article to the last one on project success. Background We did write in the past a few articles on the PMBOK Guide – what is good about it, what is missing, its inconsistencies, its gaps, and practitioners misunderstandings. A few weeks ago, PMI officially released the fifth edition of the PMBOK...
Yes, once again the PMBOK® Guide creates confusion and this time is about project success.
As we said before, we have usually kept this blog site for project management and related articles only and not to use it for any announcement except where there is value to the community or news of high importance.
Dear All We have usually kept this blog site for project management and related articles only. Our commitment is to continue doing so and not to use it for any announcement except where there is value to the community of news of high importance.
Oliver Tambo airport, Johannesburg, South Africa. 05h15 a.m. I have nowhere to go.
Introduction In today’s post, we will discuss an important concept that is at the heart of project management process and we will discuss its origin. It is recognized that the PMBOK® Guide (A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge®), published by PMI, is quite popular and used globally. Many project management practitioners know...
In this blog post, we respond to questions from a friend, who has been following this blog. The Questions “I sincerely thank you for all your valuable input on SUKAD blogs; I refer to it when I have some inquiries and it is really always interesting. I have a question; I need your expertise and support in;...