Applied Project Management Training


Get $ 1500+ training valued for only $100. A steal you can´t afford to miss.

What is our purpose?

We want to share our passion for Project management. We all know that Project Management skills are essential for any industry.

Uruk Project Management (Uruk PM) is a mission-driven tech startup. Our primary mission is to help organizations transform how they lead their projects and maximize shareholder value. However, even as a bootstrapped startup, we want to establish the Uruk Community and support our society. Uruk Project Management (Uruk PM) is a mission-driven tech startup.

This training is project-based learning (applied learning). The extended training blends concepts with practical applications of these concepts in real-time with realistic projects. Therefore, the training aligns with one of the founding principles of Uruk PM, Applied Project Management

Who Should Apply?

A project management professional, or an independent contractor, stakeholders, large or small organizations, non-profit organizations:

  • You are looking for a way to organize your PM work better.
  • You prefer to do all your work on a unified, comprehensive digital platform rather than use multiple tools.

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

  1. Learn about the Product Life Cycle and its phases.
  2. Understand the differences between task, stage, and technical project management and how it differs from the Uruk Way.
  3. Gain a general understanding of project management and the Uruk Way.
  4. Work in teams on realistic projects (see methodology)
  5. Learn the essentials for leading a project across the entire product delivery lifecycle.
  6. Learn an end-to-end and adaptive project delivery methodology, including phases, stages, deliverables, and stage gates.
  7. Understand how to start the project and continue on the right path toward achieving project objectives and realizing the expected benefits.
  8. Apply the learning to develop the various deliverables and the stage gates on a project using the Uruk Platform.


  1. Program overview, product life cycle, intro to the Uruk Way, and potential projects
  2. Forming the teams, tailored methods, concept stage, and project brief
  3. Feasibility stage, feasibility study report, and project authorization document
  4. Stakeholders’ input and expectations, project requirements document
  5. Strategy stage and the project management plan
  6. Definition stage and the project plan
  7. Project implementation and control
  8. Operational readiness, handover, and initial operations
  9. Final Projects’ Presentations


Dates: Every Wednesday and Thursday from October 19th to December 14th, 2023.
Session duration: 1 hour on Wednesday (educational content) and 1 hour on Thursday (group coaching).

Your Contribution:

  • 1 product review within a month of sign up
  • Submit a brief case study on how you use the Uruk platform, and any shared insights, before the end of 3 months after signup
  • 1 public testimonial within 3 months of signup
  • Submit 1 Uruk feedback form before the end of 3 months after signup
  • Once we receive your contributions as listed above, we will record your name, with your permission, as an individual contributor on the Uruk PM Website.

Other possible opportunities:

  • Uruk PM is a tech startup and is expected to grow. As a result, one or more graduates could be considered for future employment, assuming the person has other skills that we need.
  • We will happily support our successful graduates in finding feasibleopportunities!

Offer Term & Conditions:

The offer is conditional upon you signing the “Uruk Applied Project Management Training” agreement and providing your written consent to the terms and conditions supplied by Uruk PM for that purpose.

  1. We will limit the attendance to 5 teams, or about 20 participants.
  2. Each participant agrees to the following:
    1. Committing to doing the work and working with other team members between sessions.
    2. Allow Uruk to use the projects’ work for case studies.
    3. Accept the terms and conditions for graduating.
    4. The right to record videos and use them for marketing purposes.
    5. They will only use the Uruk Platform for the projects included in the program.

* There may be a few more terms and conditions,which we can discuss separately.

How to Sign up?

1. Please register here.
2. Fill out the form and review/sign the terms and conditions.
4. Once you registered, we will send you a email with the following steps.