The Women PM Program

Uruk Project Management (Uruk PM) is a mission-driven tech startup. Our primary business mission is to help organizations transform the way they lead their projects and maximize shareholder value.

Workshop for New or Returning Women Project Managers

Uruk Project Management (Uruk PM) is a mission-driven tech startup. Our primary business mission is to help organizations transform the way they lead their projects and maximize shareholder value. However, even as a bootstrapped startup, we want to establish the Uruk Community, and support our society at large.
As part of Uruk’s community support, Uruk PM has launched multiple initiatives dedicated to different community groups. The Women PM Workshop is an important one of these initiatives.

Women PM Program, Purpose

Uruk PM wants to support women, especially those who have been out of work or are recent graduates. The job market is highly competitive. We want to help this segment of our community acquire new skills to help them consider or start a career in the exciting field of project management. Project management is our passion, and we know that PM skills are essential for careers in any domain.

The WomenPM program is a project-based learning (applied-learning) extended training program that blends concepts with practical applications of these concepts in real-time or realistic projects. Therefore, the program aligns with one of the founding principles of Uruk PM, Applied Project Management!

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

  1. Learn about the Product Life Cycle and its phases.
  2. Understand the differences between task, stage, and technical project management and how it differs from the Uruk Way.
  3. Gain a general understanding of project management and the Uruk Way.
  4. Work in teams on real or realistic projects (see methodology)
  5. Learn the essentials for leading a project across the entire product delivery lifecycle.
  6. Learn an end-to-end and adaptive project delivery methodology, including phases, stages, deliverables, and stage gates.
  7. Understand how to start the project right and continue on the right path toward achieving project objectives and realizing the expected benefits.
  8. Apply the learning to develop the various deliverables and the stage gates on a project using the Uruk Platform.


Project work is often done in teams. Therefore, the WomenPM learning program will use teams. Each team could be 3 to 5 people.

During the program, we will cover a project across the entire product delivery life-cycle. We start with the idea and clarify the concept and product vision. Next, we travel through the early stages, such as feasibility, requirements, project management, and detailed definitions. We use the Uruk Platform to simulate the work through these various stages and their outputs.

The program will be:

  1. Nine weeks,
  2. Blend online training with coaching (in every session),
  3. Each session will be 2 hours, 1 hours (+/-) of educational content, and the other hour for group coaching,
  4. In each session, we will cover general concepts and at least one stage of the product delivery life cycle,
  5. Teams will work on their respective projects between sessions, completing the deliverables for the covered stage,
  6. The online learning would be live, led by Mounir Ajam.
  7. To graduate, the teams must do a final project presentation.


  1. Program overview, product life cycle, intro to the Uruk Way, and potential projects
  2. Forming the teams, tailored methods, concept stage, and project brief
  3. Feasibility stage, feasibility study report, and project authorization document
  4. Stakeholders’ input and expectations, project requirements document
  5. Strategy stage and the project management plan
  6. Definition stage and the project plan
  7. Project implementation and control
  8. Operational readiness, handover, and initial operations
  9. Final Projects’ Presentations


Dates: Every Thursday from April 20th to June 15th, 2023.
Session duration: 2 hours.

What does the Women PM Program Offer?

  1. Business accounts for five teams. Each team consists of 4 team members.
  2. Single-user License for individuals
  3. Log in to 1 Device at a Time

Under the WomenPM Program, Uruk will offer the following:

  1. For The project-based learning program, please refer to the learning objectives and methodology sections for more information.
  2. Upon completing the learning program, we will grant the successful graduates free, lifetime access to the Uruk Platform, a single-user license.
  3. There will be a few terms and conditions, which we can discuss separately.
  4. Uruk PM is a tech startup and is expected to grow. As a result, one or more graduates could be considered for future employment, assuming the person has other skills that we need.
  5. We will be happy to support our successful graduates in finding opportunities where feasible!
Offer Terms & Conditions

  1. We will limit the attendance to 5 teams, or about 20 participants
  2. Each participant agrees to :
    1. Committing to doing the work and working with other team members between sessions,
    2. Allow Uruk to use the projects’ work for case studies,
    3. Accept the terms and conditions for graduating
    4. They will only use the Uruk Platform for the projects included in the program.

How to Signup

  1. Login. If you still need an account, please register.
  2. Fill out the form and review/sign the terms and conditions.
  3. Date to be defined. We will notify selected candidates as soon as they are selected.
  4. Once logged in, you will see the option to register for the program.