Project Management Books
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Project Management E-Books
Currently, Mounir has 17 e-books on the website. Fourteen of these books are part of the two series listed below.
Adaptive Project Management & Tailored Methods Series
The series is “Adaptive Project Management & Tailored Methods Series.” Its primary focus is The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™ (CAMMP™), a project management methodological approach that the SUKAD has developed and continued to enhance.
Volume 1. Project Management State of Practice (Current Reality / filling the practices gaps)
Volume 2. An adaptive approach (The customizable and adaptable methodology for managing projects)
Volume 3. CAMMP ™ the first Dimension (A project life cycle, stage-gate model)
Volume 4. CAMMP ™ The Second & Third dimensions Dimensions
Volume 5. Managing a Project Stage and across the stage
Volume 6. Applying CAMMP ™ in the real word
Volume 7. Project Management beyond the hype.
The series consists of seven e-books, two of wich are already published … Read more.
Small Projects Case Studies & Simulation Series
The CAMMP™ Case Studies and Simulation Series consists of seven e-books, seven volumes. All case studies and simulations use the CAMMP™ Model for Micro/Small-Simple Projects. Therefore, they all will use a similar format. However, these e-books are independent since each volume present one or more specific project cases
Volume 1. Project management templates & Instructions (Part f the SUKAD´s CAMMP ™ Model for smalls- Simple Projects)
Volume 2. Write a book project (case study per the SUKAD CAMMP ™ Model)
Volume 3. Organize an event project (case study per the SUKS CAMMP ™ model)
Volume 4. Enhance a Website project (Case Study per the SUKAD CAMMP th Model)
Volume 5. Write and Publish a book project (case study: the writing and publishing of leaving megan projects, a tailored approach)
Volume 6. Develop online course project (Case studies, using waterfall & agile as subset of CAMMP ™ )
Volume 7. Learners Case Studies (Simulations of realistic projects from CAMMP ™ workshop participants)