Latest from Uruk

In the past we did publish a few articles about project management office (PMO), organizational project management (OPM), project management methodology, and similar topics. At the end of September 2014, we had the pleasure and opportunity to support the Dubai International Project Management Forum ( where we led a 3-hour workshop on how to build...

The Project Management Institute (PMI) has just published Implementing Organizational Project Management: Practice Standard. In this – just published standard – it emphasize the importance of tailoring a project management methodology. However, the main focus is on implementing an organizational system. We are happy to see this publication especially that we have been advocating the need for...

In this post we address two important concepts about project management, which are: How to manage projects in organizations, and How to manage projects successfully. We split these topics since the first deals with the organizational system – policies – procedures – processes – methodology, among other factors. The other topic, deals with offering a...

This is part 1 of a 4-part series on project change management. This topic is a chapter in our upcoming book, Redefining the Basics of Project Management, scheduled for second quarter 2014. Project Change Management Introduction to Project Change Management Project change management is integrated with project control and the four control reference points apply...