Latest from Uruk

I am writing this article based on observations and monitoring of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic and how the global response or lack of. I have also monitored, from a distance, how the response varies from one country to another. For example, I see my home country, Lebanon, a country weakened by decades of corruption...

Applied project management and project-based learning (PM4Y-01)

How to apply project management in the real world? Recently, we published an article on Can Project Management be Simplified …, and apparently, that article has been popular and well received. Therefore, it is time to build on that success and show that we practice what we preach! This article is the first of a...

How to lead large and complex (mega) projects to success?

This post is specific to Executives, especially those leading Project Owners’s Organizations. How to lead large and complex (mega) projects to success? How you can minimize the chance of delays and overruns and maximizing value to your shareholders? In a recent article, we wrote and recorded video on why project owners organizations are afraid of project management....

How to manage large and complex projects?

Over the last few years, we have been publishing this blog site, e-books, and books. Some of the articles were from the books that we are publishing and vice versa. Today, as we close on 200 articles (this is no 200) we want to share with you our latest book, it is CAM2P™ for Mega Projects.

This article is part of a theme consisting of a few articles on project management professional training. Introduction In recent articles, and in our eBook: Project Management I: Challenges, Opportunities, Methodology, we discussed that project management is at a crossroad due to damages coming from overzealous professional associations, training providers, and individuals. Project management training...