Latest from Uruk

The following is another image, from another chapter in our recent book, #Project Management beyond #Waterfall and #Agile ( It is about the SUKAD Seven Elements of Project Management Maturity, which is the model we use to help organizations build their OPMS, Organizational Project Management System.

Every once in a while we focus on a certain topic and write a few articles about. Recently, we had a few posts with videos on terminology differences, and before that, we cover agile for capital projects. The most recent posts have been about large-complex, or mega projects. We have to admit, today’s post might...

How to lead large and complex (mega) projects to success?

This post is specific to Executives, especially those leading Project Owners’s Organizations. How to lead large and complex (mega) projects to success? How you can minimize the chance of delays and overruns and maximizing value to your shareholders? In a recent article, we wrote and recorded video on why project owners organizations are afraid of project management....

In the past we did publish a few articles about project management office (PMO), organizational project management (OPM), project management methodology, and similar topics. At the end of September 2014, we had the pleasure and opportunity to support the Dubai International Project Management Forum ( where we led a 3-hour workshop on how to build...

The Project Management Institute (PMI) has just published Implementing Organizational Project Management: Practice Standard. In this – just published standard – it emphasize the importance of tailoring a project management methodology. However, the main focus is on implementing an organizational system. We are happy to see this publication especially that we have been advocating the need for...

How to implement a project management organizational system – 2?

Introduction This article is a continuation on past articles and an extended discussion on the last post. As a refresher, to build an effective and sustainable project management organizational system (PMOS), we presented our preferred approach, which is founded on three principles: Use a program management approach, in other words, treat the PMOS implementation initiative...