What is the PMBOK® Guide Current Reality? This topic is the subject of our first e-book on the Guide, part of 2-book series. The Four Myths is a chapter in this first e-book.
What is the PMBOK® Guide Current Reality? This topic is the subject of our first e-book on the Guide, part of 2-book series. The Four Myths is a chapter in this first e-book.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) has just published Implementing Organizational Project Management: Practice Standard. In this – just published standard – it emphasize the importance of tailoring a project management methodology. However, the main focus is on implementing an organizational system. We are happy to see this publication especially that we have been advocating the need for...
We do realize that some will object to what we write here – which fine with us. We do know professionals and those who truly believe in project management and its strategic value will likely agree with what we post here. Those who maybe offended – if they care – we ask them to think...
As we said before, we have usually kept this blog site for project management and related articles only and not to use it for any announcement except where there is value to the community or news of high importance.
In this blog post, we respond to questions from a friend, who has been following this blog. The Questions “I sincerely thank you for all your valuable input on SUKAD blogs; I refer to it when I have some inquiries and it is really always interesting. I have a question; I need your expertise and support in;...