In this post, we will keep it brief and focus on asking a few questions.
In this post, we will keep it brief and focus on asking a few questions.
This is a continuation of the article from two days ago.
As I mentioned in the last post, I have recently been corresponding with a colleague on project management and how to apply project management in the not-for-profit / non-governmental-organizations (NGO) environment. Our correspondence led to two questions: What are the basic project management mechanisms to implement projects in the private sector? This was the topic...
I have recently been corresponding with a colleague on project management and how to apply project management in the not-for-profit / non-governmental-organizations (NGO) environment. This colleague is a professor of public administration in a North American university and has interested in NGO and whether NGO can enhance their effectiveness if they use proper project management...
This blog post is different from our normal posts – it is not directly about project management but it is about an initiative that SUKAD is launching as a community development initiative. At this time, this is initiative is geographically limited to Lebanon but will expand into the future. We share here to seek the...