Latest from Uruk

Recently, we have published on LinkedIn the CAMMP eleven principles or critical success factors. These are the principles necessary to build tailored project management methods in organizations. These tailored methods are for the management of projects and delivery of products. An online network connection (Mr. Larry Moore) raised the question: “Could you please explain just...

Let us repeat the title question: Do project owners need help transforming to lead megaprojects? Studies by the Independent Project Analysis (IPA) and others have clearly identified a few key facts. The facts include project owners that manage their own projects directly, achieve better results than if the projects were managed by external parties. Another...

In this post, I am sharing another video from the Applied Project Management by SUKAD YouTube channel. This video is also from the first project management forum organized in Dubai; the Dubai International Project Management Forum (DIPMF). Organizational Project Management The video is about OPM, Organizational Project Management. It is a 3-hour workshop that presents The SUKAD...

The following is another image, from another chapter in our recent book, #Project Management beyond #Waterfall and #Agile ( It is about the SUKAD Seven Elements of Project Management Maturity, which is the model we use to help organizations build their OPMS, Organizational Project Management System.

What does tailoring refer to in the new PMBOK Guide? PGR5

Well, it has been roughly two weeks since the new PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition is out and the online community is flooded with posts on this topic. Some posts go through extensive details even comparing page count on a chapter by chapter basis. As someone who has been using the PMBOK Guide, since the first consolidated...

We often hear from practitioners and read on social media platforms that many organizations around the world, do not implement proper project management practices. Maybe the situation is different from one country to another, and one cannot generalize. However, the question is valid, why (some) organizations do not follow ‘proper’ project management practices?