We have posted the following message on my LinkedIn account and is already generating quite a bit of discussion.
We have posted the following message on my LinkedIn account and is already generating quite a bit of discussion.
In an earlier e-book, we had discussed the project management state of practice and the need to close the gaps. In this e-book, we start to present a project management adaptive approach that would be the knowledge foundation to transform the organizational projects’ performance.
Why are we causing more failures than successes in leading projects? Are we learning from past failures or getting stuck in our growing pains? Why do executives fail to respect and understand the strategic value of project management? These are a small sample of the critical questions that affect the project management state of practice....
This blog post is part of a chapter in Leading Megaprojects, a Tailored Approach. This part explains The SUKAD Way for Managing Projects and its various components. However, the focus is on how to integrate these components into a holistic solution, the Uruk PPM Platform.
In this post, I am sharing another video from the Applied Project Management by SUKAD YouTube channel. This video is also from the first project management forum organized in Dubai; the Dubai International Project Management Forum (DIPMF). Organizational Project Management The video is about OPM, Organizational Project Management. It is a 3-hour workshop that presents The SUKAD...
Is it time to rethink the project management function? What triggered this discussion, is a recent post on rethinking the PMO. I know I have written on this topic before, but many articles on social media keep popping up, which encouraged me to write again. Today, we will make the case to rethink the project management...
Project Management Seminars Would you be interested in attending an evening (or daytime) project management seminar? This article is to seek your input on selecting topics for a project management seminar series. We also want to address organizations if they would be interested in partnering with us by hosting one or more of these seminars...
We have posted the following message on my LinkedIn account and is already generating quite a bit of discussion.
Introduction This article is a continuation on past articles and an extended discussion on the last post. As a refresher, to build an effective and sustainable project management organizational system (PMOS), we presented our preferred approach, which is founded on three principles: Use a program management approach, in other words, treat the PMOS implementation initiative...
Introduction A few days ago, we published an article under the title “forget about building the PMO, build the project management (organizational) system” – let us abbreviate it as PMOS. In that article, we touched on our preferred approach, which is founded on three principles: Use a program management approach, in other words, treat the...