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In this post, I am sharing another video from the Applied Project Management by SUKAD YouTube channel. This video is also from the first project management forum organized in Dubai; the Dubai International Project Management Forum (DIPMF). Organizational Project Management The video is about OPM, Organizational Project Management. It is a 3-hour workshop that presents The SUKAD...

We often hear from practitioners and read on social media platforms that many organizations around the world, do not implement proper project management practices. Maybe the situation is different from one country to another, and one cannot generalize. However, the question is valid, why (some) organizations do not follow ‘proper’ project management practices?

It has been our observations that estimating is still more of guesswork rather than using proper techniques and leading practices. Estimating is also directly related to the project management maturity of an organization. In the general context, estimating refer to process of developing cost and time estimates – a time estimate is also called a...

This is the fourth and last article in a four-article series on the subject of project success. Article 1 was mostly an introduction to the subject; article 2 was explaining the four dimensions; article 3 provided an example, real case study, and this article, compares the application of this concept to PMBOK® Guide. Background In...

This is the second article in a four-article series on the subject of project success. Introduction In the previous article, we stated that we are discussing project success, From an organizational perspective; not individuals, and From the owner perspective; not the service provider. With the above in mind, what are the four dimensions?