In the new PMBOK Guide, a few processes changed names to use the word “monitor” instead of “control” in the name of the process, like Monitor Risks instead of Control Risks. Why the change and is this logical?
In the new PMBOK Guide, a few processes changed names to use the word “monitor” instead of “control” in the name of the process, like Monitor Risks instead of Control Risks. Why the change and is this logical?
The Sixth Edition of the PMBOK Guide has been out for about 6 weeks now and today we are finishing the second 5-day workshop on this guide. There are many things we like about the new edition and somethings we do not like. Here are our professional views from the perspective of someone who has...
We did already write about tailoring and the PMBOK Guide, and should tailoring be at the organizational or project level. Today we add more by focusing on some of the content of the guide integration knowledge area.
Continuing with the PMBOK Guide reviews, this is the last post on the Standard part of the book, Part 2. In this post, we also focus on the numbers in relation to the new process categorization.
As we continue to review the PMBOK Guide we decided to check a few items, stats of interest to us. Things like how many processes has EEF or OPA as input and why. Read on
Continuing with the review of the PMBOK Guide, Part 2, the Standard Part, this is another post and a short one, on Section 2 – Initiating.
Well, it has been roughly two weeks since the new PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition is out and the online community is flooded with posts on this topic. Some posts go through extensive details even comparing page count on a chapter by chapter basis. As someone who has been using the PMBOK Guide, since the first consolidated...
Since this is the fourth post with the letter PGR in the title, what does PGR stands for? PGR = PMBOK Guide Review and I will be publishing many posts on this. Some of these posts could be general, like the one on PMBOK Guide Size or the general changes to the guide. Others will...
We have been hearing about the #PMBOK Guide going Agile for a year now; or more. However, now the new #PMBOK Guide is out, where is #Agile? This question reminds me of an old Wendy’s commercial about “where is the beef?”
Now that the PMBOK Guide is officially out, what are the changes – officially now? We are likely to write a few posts on this subject. Today’s topic will focus on the changes in the processes.