Another article on Agile and busting the myth of ‘Agile, for most projects, most of the time.’ In this post, we are covering the second principle from the Agile Manifesto. The following link is to the Agile Manifesto – twelve principles.
Another article on Agile and busting the myth of ‘Agile, for most projects, most of the time.’ In this post, we are covering the second principle from the Agile Manifesto. The following link is to the Agile Manifesto – twelve principles.
This is an update from an earlier post. In this update, I will focus only on the comments and other related information. On 21 March, I started the following discussion on LinkedIn We keep hearing about the PMBOK Guide sixth edition and that Agile is in every knowledge area. That brings two questions: Is Agile for...
Four days ago, I started the following discussion on LinkedIn We keep hearing about the PMBOK Guide sixth edition and that Agile is in every knowledge area. That brings two questions:
This blog post is an audio presentation.
It is quite common nowadays the use of social media to network, share knowledge, and learn. Project management is one of those domains that we also use social media for. It is also common to find many groups on social media sites dedicated to project management, especially those sites advocating the PMP certifications and posting questions...
We often see posts, even from PMI chapters and Registered Education Providers that use the term PMBOK, instead of PMBOK Guide. Is there a difference and if yes, what is the difference Think about it then listen to our video. من الشائع ان نرى مقالات او رسائل عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي تستعمل تعبير PMBOK وليس PMBOK...
There is a discussion going on on Facebook about WBS and what would be the use of the WBS. Like many PMP questions, the real world answer might be slightly different than the PMP exam. Here is the question posted without editing. What is WBS used for : 1- only for complex project 2-used for...
This text is also from our upcoming book and is a continuation of the previous article. As mentioned already, for some of the knowledge areas, such as scope, time, cost, and risk there is a definite split between management planning processes and detailed planning processes. The earlier discussions on scope elaborated on this concept in...
Although this article is independent of the previous one, it would be useful to read the last article first. This article is also part of a book that is currently with the publisher and likely to be released to the market before the summer. The following discussion is for the planning processes, within a phase....
We know, the title may sound awkward or missing a few words, this is why we need to read on. What are we talking about? Maybe the question should be what is (1) a process and (2) a PMBOK Guide process? In the context of this article,