Every time I am delivering a course or workshop on the PMBOK® Guide it is like love-hate relationship.
Every time I am delivering a course or workshop on the PMBOK® Guide it is like love-hate relationship.
For those not familiar with PMP”, this refers to the Project Management Professional certification, one of the Project Management Institute (PMI) certifications.
The following are a few images, posters maybe is a better word, to clarify a few myths about the PMP Certification (the Project Management Professional certification) by PMI (the Project Management Institute).
In the past we have written a few posts about the quality of project management training and even the quality of some providers that have been approved by PMI as Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.).
Recently we have published an article on Myth and thoughts about project management. Today, after a couple of independent exchanges on Facebook, we are writing this post with an emphasis on myths about PMI (The Project Management Institute) and PM training.
This is an old article that was published about training providers and some of the “_____” they share … You can fill the blank with “lies”, “partial truth”, “misleading information”, etc. Below is a sample misinformation from a message that came to me via LinkedIn
As we work in project management, travel around, meet clients, and view social media posts we run into so many myths and misconceptions about project management. Here are some
For our 10th anniversary as SUKAD we have decided to run a competition where we give away enrollment to our classes and sets of books. Every week we ask one question – and there will be 4 winners; 2 win courses’ enrollment and 2 win set of books.
I raise this question “Is the Project Management Institute (PMI) changing direction?” to generate some discussions on whether PMI is indeed changing its direction of it is being a follower or a leader for project management? Initially, we posted this article without offering much of our opinion in order to generate discussions, which it did...
I have recently been looking at some data on PMI membership and certifications in the region (West Asia). These statistics are quite interesting and raise so many questions. I will just show some numbers and without comments. The data below is recent – a couple of months.