This is sixth, and last, article in the series on Redefining Project Management. Each article can standalone but reading the full series would be most beneficial.
This is sixth, and last, article in the series on Redefining Project Management. Each article can standalone but reading the full series would be most beneficial.
This is fifth article in the series on Redefining Project Management. Each article can standalone but reading the full series would be most beneficial.
We recently had the honor to have Mr. R. Max Wideman publish a guest paper for us with the title, Redefining Project Management; which we are re-publishing as a series of blog articles. This is fourth article in the series.
Those of us in project management often think that we ‘speak-PM,’ meaning we have a shared terminology. However, we believe that we have common words, but we do not necessarily have standard definitions of those same words. Therefore, project management terminology is tricky and includes confusing terms that are often used out of context. Today,...
Which is the correct term: Project Life Cycle or Project Life Span? We really do not know! In a recent LinkedIn group, we debated these terms and at the end of the day we decided to agree to disagree, which is often common in these groups since it is not easy to have a unified language, and maybe we should not?