Latest from Uruk

What are the differences between Project Management Method and Project Management Methodology?

In project management, the answer to many questions often starts with, “It Depends.” For example, what is the definition of a project? It Depends. What are the differences between PBS and WBS? How to differentiate between scope creep and scope change? Therefore, we decided to launch a knowledge-sharing series with the title “It Depends.” In...

Since 2007, we in SUKAD has been advocating the necessity for organizations to develop or adopt a project management methodological approach. A project management methodology that is an essential component of the organizational project management system. Further, we often hear about predictive versus adaptive project management methods. We read the debates on Waterfall versus Agile....

Dear friends and readers of this blog site: We would like your opinion and help. If we were to develop online courses, short courses or a series of courses on a given project management topic, What would be the topics that you would like to learn about? What do you think are some of the...