Latest from Uruk

In this post we address two important concepts about project management, which are: How to manage projects in organizations, and How to manage projects successfully. We split these topics since the first deals with the organizational system – policies – procedures – processes – methodology, among other factors. The other topic, deals with offering a...

How to implement a project management organizational system – 2?

Introduction This article is a continuation on past articles and an extended discussion on the last post. As a refresher, to build an effective and sustainable project management organizational system (PMOS), we presented our preferred approach, which is founded on three principles: Use a program management approach, in other words, treat the PMOS implementation initiative...

Introduction A few days ago, we published an article under the title “forget about building the PMO, build the project management (organizational) system” – let us abbreviate it as PMOS. In that article, we touched on our preferred approach, which is founded on three principles: Use a program management approach, in other words, treat the...