Latest from Uruk

Road Maps to Travel the Project Journey: End-to-End Almost every organization today deliver value to their shareholders, customers, or citizens and the community through projects. The vital question is how to enhance the chance of success, deliver excellence, and maximize value? How to ensure that the management of these projects will produce maximum benefits?

Project Management, Social Media, and (mis)information (مع تسجيل فيديو بالعربي)

It is quite common nowadays the use of social media to network, share knowledge, and learn. Project management is one of those domains that we also use social media for. It is also common to find many groups on social media sites dedicated to project management, especially those sites advocating the PMP certifications and posting questions...

As I mentioned in the last post, I have recently been corresponding with a colleague on project management and how to apply project management in the not-for-profit / non-governmental-organizations (NGO) environment. Our correspondence led to two questions: What are the basic project management mechanisms to implement projects in the private sector? This was the topic...