Latest from Uruk

The foundation for transformation, the organizational project management system We have been publishing articles and posting podcast episodes on transforming project management. Today’s topic is the Role of OPM (organizational Project Management) as an essential foundation for transformation. When we made the case for transformation, we stressed the need for two aspects, Organizational Project Management...

Respecting Our Diversity | Project Management Levels In our third episode of The 4PM Podcast, we discussed respecting our diversity and project management levels. The discussion is necessary to understand how individuals and organizations manage projects before they embark on a transformation journey. Understanding diversity in project management We started by exploring the importance of...

How can project management be a competitive advantage? Previous Post Recently, we published a post asking, “Can project management be a competitive advantage?” We shared that article on LinkedIn, which generated a few interesting responses. Those responses led us to publish this article with examples and more information. The project management maturity illustration Definition: PM...

The Case for Transforming Project Management In the 2nd episode of the 4PM Podcast, we will present the case for the transformation of project management and why it is becoming critical for future project management!  Episode 2: The Case for Transformation In this article, we will examine four key areas that demonstrate why transformation of...

In most articles, we use the terms project and project management broadly to include project, program, product (delivery), and portfolio management. It may also incorporate terms like organizational project management and project management office. The Why, What, How … of the Platform Today’s post only shares a mindmap of frequently asked questions about the fantastic...

The Uruk Platform is the engine of project success

In most articles, we use the terms project and project management broadly to include project, program, product (delivery), and portfolio management. It may also incorporate terms like organizational project management and project management office. The Why, What, How … of the Platform Today’s post only shares a mindmap of frequently asked questions about the fantastic...

Welcome to the 4PM Podcast In this first episode of the 4PM podcast, we will cover four topics to introduce our new podcast and other relevant information. The podcast is part of the UrukPM Outreach Trio, including our YouTube Channel, Blog Site, and the 4PM Podcast. In addition to the Outreach Trio, we have many...

Introduction to the 4PM Podcast

Welcome to the 4PM Podcast In this first episode of the 4PM podcast, we will cover four topics to introduce our new podcast and other relevant information. The podcast is part of the UrukPM Outreach Trio, including our YouTube Channel, Blog Site, and the 4PM Podcast. In addition to the Outreach Trio, we have many...

Project management challenges From 2018 to 2019, I conducted intensive research for one of my books. I was under contract for CRC Press to write a book about Megaprojects. Therefore, my research focus was capital projects and megaprojects. These would be significant projects related to building facilities, such as petrochemical plants, power generation, and other...