Latest from Uruk

What does tailoring refer to in the new PMBOK Guide? PGR5

Well, it has been roughly two weeks since the new PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition is out and the online community is flooded with posts on this topic. Some posts go through extensive details even comparing page count on a chapter by chapter basis. As someone who has been using the PMBOK Guide, since the first consolidated...

Every once in a while we focus on a certain topic and write a few articles about. Recently, we had a few posts with videos on terminology differences, and before that, we cover agile for capital projects. The most recent posts have been about large-complex, or mega projects. We have to admit, today’s post might...

How to lead large and complex (mega) projects to success?

This post is specific to Executives, especially those leading Project Owners’s Organizations. How to lead large and complex (mega) projects to success? How you can minimize the chance of delays and overruns and maximizing value to your shareholders? In a recent article, we wrote and recorded video on why project owners organizations are afraid of project management....

Why are project owners afraid of project management?

I am writing this article with the feeling that I am either courageous or stupid since what I will write about might be touching many or stepping on people soft toes. I must start by saying, I am writing this article based on observations from working in this region (West Asia, GCC) for close to...