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Dear friends and readers of this blog site: We would like your opinion and help. If we were to develop online courses, short courses or a series of courses on a given project management topic, What would be the topics that you would like to learn about? What do you think are some of the...

Over the next few days, we will publish a few short articles under the label, The Number Series. The idea is simple: in each post, we will explain a concept with a link to a number, like the Four Dimensions of Project Success, The Three Project Phases, Three Principles for Building a Methodology, etc.

This blog post is by my colleague, Mr. Luc A.E. Bauwmans, PMP Optimizing construction project performance using the New Engineering Contract Third Edition (NEC3) Part 1  Part 2 is next About partnering contracts Partnering contracts between supplier and customer have probably always existed, in some form or other. In fact they come in so many...

This blog post is by my colleague, Mr. Luc A.E. Bauwmans, PMP Optimizing construction project performance using the New Engineering Contract Third Edition (NEC3) Executive summary Part 1: Partnering in construction contracting is still the subject of much debate. The simplest form of partnering occurs when two parties to a contract have aligned (some of)...