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Are PMI certifications considered in the construction industry?

A recent post on posed this question “PMI CERTIFICATION IN CONSTRUCTION IS IT A REQUIREMENT?” This topic has generated interesting discussion. To read the various views please visit the post. What we share below is part of our views on the subject that we shared on the original post and including here; modified.

In this video, we discuss the common misconception, at least in some regions or countries, that project management is limited for engineers or engineering/construction projects. هل ادارة المشاريع للمهندسين فقط؟ هل ادارة المشاريع للمشاريع الهندسية والانشائية فقط؟ او ممكن ان نقول ان ادارة المشاريع هي لكل الامور الحياتية والمهنية؟