Latest from Uruk

We often hear from practitioners and read on social media platforms that many organizations around the world, do not implement proper project management practices. Maybe the situation is different from one country to another, and one cannot generalize. However, the question is valid, why (some) organizations do not follow ‘proper’ project management practices?

Project Management, Social Media, and (mis)information (مع تسجيل فيديو بالعربي)

It is quite common nowadays the use of social media to network, share knowledge, and learn. Project management is one of those domains that we also use social media for. It is also common to find many groups on social media sites dedicated to project management, especially those sites advocating the PMP certifications and posting questions...

SUKAD has been working to help promote professional project management since our founding in 2004. In addition to local events, we have been publishing this blog site and another in Arabic since 2011. We have a knowledge portal with some open information and other info that is restricted to SUKAD clients. In this short message,...