We often hear from practitioners and read on social media platforms that many organizations around the world, do not implement proper project management practices. Maybe the situation is different from one country to another, and one cannot generalize. However, the question is valid, why (some) organizations do not follow ‘proper’ project management practices?
It is quite common nowadays the use of social media to network, share knowledge, and learn. Project management is one of those domains that we also use social media for. It is also common to find many groups on social media sites dedicated to project management, especially those sites advocating the PMP certifications and posting questions...
There is a discussion going on on Facebook about WBS and what would be the use of the WBS. Like many PMP questions, the real world answer might be slightly different than the PMP exam. Here is the question posted without editing. What is WBS used for : 1- only for complex project 2-used for...
I hope this post will not be misunderstood and taken for what it is – sharing a personal career path that started in 1984 in engineering and shifted to project management in 1990 and continuing to today. This is a sample career path and we hope it will inspire others to lead. النسخة العربية English Version
Here we go again, the craze about the PMP6 is here PMP Exam in relation to PMBOK Guide Changes We are only in January 2017, the PMBOK® Guide sixth edition is not even out yet, and we are starting to hear about PMP6. Obviously, there is no such a thing as PMP6 – the PMP is...
SUKAD has been working to help promote professional project management since our founding in 2004. In addition to local events, we have been publishing this blog site and another in Arabic since 2011. We have a knowledge portal with some open information and other info that is restricted to SUKAD clients. In this short message,...
Is the project management community receptive to new ideas? Maybe we should zoom in and ask: are professionals who subscribe to one professional association open to things from outside the association? Will share a couple of stories.
In the last article, we wrote about the PMP and if the PMP exam represents the real world. Then, a post on LinkedIn triggered this post where a person posted his newly achieved certificate claiming that he is now “A Certified Project Manager.” A quick look at his profile on LinkedIn shows that this is...
A while back, we tried to answer the question Is the PMBOK Guide Real World? The point was that many practitioners believe that the guide does not reflect the real world. We cannot agree and BELIEVE that the PMBOK Guide does reflect the real world. In order not to repeat – refer to the blog...